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Andrew Lopez

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What Attracted You To The Field of Nursing?
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Last First Name: Clague Wendy, RN
City: Lakewood
State: Ohio
What kind of nursing do you do: Long Term Care, Subacute, Rehab, Geriatrics
How did you hear about the Nurse Friendly Homesite: Ran into it while browsing
Marital Status: Married
Nationality: American Heinz 57--a little of everything

How many years have you been practicing as a nurse: 5
Professional organizations you belong to: None at the moment.
Would you recommend the field: Only if they like hard work. Not really I would recommend only for those with an understanding that a lot of times LTC means end of life care too.
Employment changes in career: Once
Reason for the change: Unhappy with orientation at first job out of school.
If you lost your job tomorrow how easily do you feel you find new employment: It would probably be fairly easy for me to get another job LTC is pretty wide open.

In how many years would you like to retire: Not until I absolutely have to.
Have you started any type of retirement fund: Yes
Would this travel : Yes
Do you feel having certified Patient Educational Materials on the WWW would be beneficial: Yes
Nursing School you attend if applicable: Cuyahog Community College
Where do you work: Hospital-based LTC
Do you carry a personal malpractice insurance policy why or why not: Yes you can never be too careful these days.
Your most pressing concerns with the profession and healthcare: There seems to be an over abundance of non-caring people in our profession. Working in LTC we use a lot of agency people nurses and nursing assistants. It seems as though a lot of them have become burned out or after only the almighty dollar. I would say out of every three I see only one is asked to return. Also worrisome is the idea of nursing assistants passing medications. I have heard that some facilities in my area are doing this when hard pressed. The nurse leaves the medications already prepared and the aide hands them out. Also I think understaffing is the biggest problem in LTC.

What attracted you to the field of Nursing: My mother is a nurse but she didnt encourage I know why.
Favorite TV show and musical artists: TV Music These are foreign words to a night-shifter. I dont get to see much television and the radio puts me to sleep.
Favorite food: Lately I eat a lot of fast food my bad. But my favorite food is stuffed steak.
Qualities you admire in your friends & loved ones: Honesty hard working funloving ability to take a joke--especially when things are tough at work.
Pet Peeves: Having to follow slow working people on the previous shift.
Major turn-offs: Stupidity sloppy uncaring people.
Hobbies and activities you enjoy outside of work: I enjoy being out in the yard or going to the park just relaxing.
Pets favorite vacation spots: Mini shepard Shadow, Siamese mix cat Smoke, two parakeets Shaggy and Chickenbird

New! Featured Nurses
Nurses are Angels: Poems from Patients and Nurses about the care we give and that patient's receive. NAA was created and is hosted by Christy Gerber Jones, an RN at Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio.

Please select from the following:

Deb Geis, RN MS

Havreberg Karen RN BSN

Kirschnick, Kristi, RN, Ohio:


Cindy Nye, RN, Ohio Nurses, Med/Surg, Cardiac Care, ICU, Step-down, Supervisor, ER
Health Product Distributors, Preventive Health, Sports Nutrition

Clague Wendy, RN, Lakewood

Orr Nancy, RNC CCM

Cheryl Schosky, CRNA, MSN, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Entrepreneur, Rexall Showcase International:"After receiving my BSN in 1986 and my MSN in anesthesia in 1992, I began what I thought would be my career until retirement. I worked hard to achieve my personal goals and be the best professional I could be. I was making a six-figure income and believed it would always exist and continue to grow over time. However, over the past 6 years Managed Care has dramatically changed health care for patients and professionals."

Stem Jack, RN CRNA AA

Jill Thomas: Home Health, Long Term Care, Regulatory Compliance, Wound Consulting, Legal Nurse Consultant

Departments/Specialties Represented: Case Management, Medical-Surgical, Pain Management

See also:

Ohio Council For Home Care (OCHC):

Ohio State Nurses Association:

Ohio Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates:

Ohio Nursing Schools:

Kent State University School of Nursing:

Ohio Personal Nursing Websites:

Nurses are Angels: NAR is hosted by Christy Gerber Jones, an RN at Miami Valley Hospital, Dayton, Ohio.

The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or Internet Street Address of this page is

Send comments and mail to Andrew Lopez, RN

Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on February 28, 2023

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