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Overcoming Necrotizing Fascitis, Flesh-eating Bacteria Survivor by Vance "Bo" Salisbury:"The Injury. On May 9, 1998, while playing indoor soccer with folks from our church, I was kicked in the left ankle. The following day, Mother's Day, I followed my usual routine, taking our dog Rosie for a walk before church. At about 10 AM, my ankle began to hurt and by 11:30 AM I was in severe pain. I took some aspirin and we joined our friends, the Richeys, for lunch at Fred's Chinese Restaurant. At about 2 PM I could no longer stand the pain and went to the local Emergency Room with my wife, Denise, and friend Mark Richey, a radiologist. The ER doctor examined me and a Doppler was performed on my ankle. It appeared to be a routine sports injury, so I was released and given some prescription pain reliever."
Bo Salisbury
PO Box 811 Cedar Ridge CA 95924-0811


National Necrotizing Fasciitis Foundation:"The NNFF is a non-profit organization run entirely with donations and volunteer efforts. All donations are used to further our mission. If you wish to help, please send donations to NNFF, c/o Donna Batdorff, 2731 Porter SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49509. The NNFF can be reached at 616- 261- 2538 or 860-739-3474. Email addresses are or"


Necrotizing Fasciitis/Myositis ("flesh-eating disease"):"Necrotizing fasciitis (nek-roe-tie-zing fah-shee-eye-tis) is more commonly known as "flesh-eating disease". It is a rare illness that causes extensive tissue destruction and can lead to death. In Canada, there are 90-150 cases of necrotizing fasciitis each year."


Necrotizing Fasciitis Of The Head And Neck, by Troy A. Callender, MD:


Necrotizing Fasciitis Survivor:"This is my true story. Who would have thought that as a picture of good health, always preaching exercise and eating right, that this would happen to me. My life changed over night."


Necrotizing Subcutaneous Infection: "A type of tissue infection involving skin, subcutaneous fat, the muscle sheath (fascia) and the muscle. It causes gangrenous changes, tissue death, systemic disease, and frequently death."


British overreact to flesh-eating bacteria:"A potentially deadly illness striking victims in Britain and the United States is caused by bacteria triggering a violent immune system response, a University of Tennessee scientist said Tuesday. British tabloids call the disease ''meat-eating'' because it targets flesh and muscle tissue. Eleven victims in Britain have died since Jan. 1. But Dr. Malak Kotb, director of surgical immunology at the UT-Memphis Medical Center and the Veterans Administration Hospital, said British newspapers overreacted to the illness which she said does not threaten the general population."


Tuesday, 27 June 2000:"Flesh-Eating Disease 'Horrible But Treatable'":"The death in Christchurch yesterday of a woman from necrotising fasciitis, commonly known as 'flesh eating disease', has raised public concern as to whether the disease is treatable. Internationally, hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBO2) is recognised as a successful treatment for a wide range of soft tissue infections—including 'flesh eating disease'. (Undersea Hyperbaric Medical Society--UHMS) In association with other treatments HBO2 can achieve dramatic results, according to Peter Young , the managing director of Auckland-based The Oxygen Centre."


Tuesday, December 28, 1999: Flesh-eating disease strikes twice, killing 2 Tacoma men:"In recent weeks, two local families have experienced firsthand the horrors of flesh-eating bacteria -- a little-understood disease that health experts say may be on the rise. Eddy Anderson Jr. thought he was coming down with the flu, so he popped a couple of Tylenols. An emergency room doctor told Tom Chin he had pulled a muscle and recommended rest."


Oct. 17, 1996 - Flesh-eating disease' discovered in dogs:"Severe bacterial infection caused by a dog bacterium related to the cause of the highly virulent "flesh-eating" disease of people has been documented in Ontario dogs in the last year, says Ontario Veterinary College bacteriologist John Prescott, who with others outlines seven cases observed over six months in the latest issue of the American Veterinary Medical Association Journal. The new canine disease is similar to the so-called human "flesh-eating" severe streptococcal infection, which has been on the increase in the past several years. It is this disease that struck Quebec Premier Lucien Bouchard two years ago, necessitating the amputation of his leg. It's estimated that almost one new case of the disease appears in people in Ontario each week."


Necrotizing Fasciitis/Myositis ("flesh-eating disease"), Health Canada:"Necrotizing fasciitis (nek-roe-tie-zing fah-shee-eye-tis) is more commonly known as "flesh-eating disease". It is a rare illness that causes extensive tissue destruction and can lead to death. In Canada, there are 90-200 cases of necrotizing fasciitis each year. Definition and Symptoms Symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis include fever, severe pain, and a red, painful swelling which spreads rapidly. Death can occur in 12 to 24 hours. When the disease spreads along the layers of tissue that surround muscle (the fascia), it is called necrotizing fasciitis. When the disease spreads into the muscle tissue, it is called necrotizing myositis."


National Center For Infections Diseases Facts on Strep A:"Group A Streptococcus (GAS) is a bacterium commonly found in the throat and on the skin. The letter A refers to a classification of bacteria in the genus Streptococcus according to the composition of the cell wall of the organism."


Necrotizing Fasciitis (also known as Flesh-Eating Disease), Canada, British Columbia Ministry of Health:"What is Necrotizing Fasciitis? Necrotizing fasciitis (neck-roe-tie-zing fa-shee-eye-tis) is more commonly known by the public as flesh-eating disease. The disease got this nickname as it can spread through human tissue (flesh), destroying it at a rate of almost three centimetres per hour. In some cases death can occur within 18 hours. When the bacteria spread along the layers of tissue that surround muscle (called the fascia), it is called necrotizing fasciitis. What are the symptoms of the disease? Symptoms include fever, feeling unwell, redness and severe pain at the site of the infection. The original site of infection may be a minor wound or injury such as a small cut or bruise. The infection can spread up the affected arm, leg, or other body part very quickly. An important clue to this disease is very severe pain that is out of proportion to what you would expect from the type of wound or injury you may have had. However, necrotizing fasciitis has also occurred when there has been no known wound or injury."


Flesh Eating Disease (Necrotizing fasciitis), Canada, City of Ottawa Public Health Branch:"Flesh eating disease, also known as necrotizing fasciitis (nek-roe-tie-zing fah-shee-eye-tis) is a rare illness that causes extensive tissue destruction and can lead to death. In Canada, there are 90 to 150 cases each year. In the Ottawa-Carleton region, there have been six reported cases this year. Flesh eating disease can be caused by a number of different bacteria, one of them being the group A streptococcus. This is a common bacteria which causes infections, such as a sore or strep throat, in children and young adults. Ten to 15 per cent of school age children may carry group A streptococcus in their throat and have no symptoms. This same bacteria also causes scarlet fever, impetigo and rheumatic fever."


Flesh Eating Disease: Lifeline by Dr. Frank Foley.


Flesh Eating Bacteria/Nsaid?


Group A Streptococcus:


Group "A" Streptococcal Necrotizing Fasciitis Disease ("Flesh-Eating Disease"): Calgary Regional Health Authority


Group A Streptococcal Infection Necrotizing Fasciitis: "A serious but rare streptococcal infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Necrotizing fasciitis is a bacterial infection most commonly caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus)."


Invasive Group A Streptococcal Infections, Infectious Diseases and Immunization Committee, Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS):"Since the mid-1980s, there have been reports from around the world of an increase in the incidence of severe invasive group A streptococcal (Streptococcus pyogenes) infections, and associated morbidity and mortality (1-3). Furthermore, there is increasing recognition of a syndrome, designated streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), in which patients develop rapidly progressive hypotension and multiorgan failure (1,4,5). The news media have been especially fascinated with and have dramatized this illness, with reports of 'flesh-eating disease' or 'flesh-eating virus' dominating the headlines of numerous newspapers, magazines, radio and television reports. The purpose of this brief review is to comment on the current state of knowledge and management of invasive group A streptococcus disease in children and close contacts of persons with invasive group A streptococcus disease."
Reprints of this position paper are available from the Canadian Paediatric Society, 100-2204 Walkley Road, Ottawa ON K1G 4G8; phone: (613) 526-9397; fax: (613) 526-3332.


Strep--A Versatile, Sometimes Deadly Bacteria: "Highly toxic strains of group A strep have received publicity in the past few years, especially those that invade body tissues, so-called "invasive" or "flesh-eating" strep (causing necrotizing fasciitis)."


Internet Hoaxes:

False Internet Report About Necrotizing Fasciitis Associated With Bananas, Center For Disease Control & Prevention:"The bacteria which most commonly cause necrotizing fasciitis frequently live in the human body. The usual route of transmission for these bacteria is from person to person. Sometimes, they can be transmitted in foods, but this would be an unlikely cause for necrotizing fasciitis. FDA and CDC agree that the bacteria cannot survive long on the surface of a banana."


Flesh-Eating Bananas!, Description: Email hoax, Status: False, Circulating since: Jan. 2000


Flesh-Eating Bananas Will Have You For Lunch, Nuketown Hoaxes:"Forget the killer tomatos, the bananas are the ones you need to look out for. See they've already wiped out the monkey population in Costa Rica, and have landed advance troops in major North American cities. Run for your lives!"




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Created on April 20, 1999

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