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See also indivdual State Listings for local Nursing Boards


National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc.:"The purpose of the National Council is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. The major functions include developing the NCLEX-RN® and NCLEX-PN® examinations, performing policy analysis and promoting uniformity in relationship to the regulation of nursing practice, disseminating data related to the licensure of nurses, conducting research pertinent to NCSBN's purpose, and serving as a forum for information exchange for members. "
National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc.
676 N. St. Clair Street Suite 550 Chicago, Illinois, 60611-2921
Telephone: (312) 787-6555.


Nursing Regulation For The New Millennium: The Mutual Recognition Model, Online Journal of Issues in Nursing:"This article describes a new regulatory model for the profession of nursing developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), namely the mutual recognition model. In recent years, environmental changes in the health care delivery system, technological advances, and changes in the expectations of the health care consumer have necessitated revisions in the way nursing is regulated to ensure the protection of the public. A number of potential regulatory models that have been proposed for regulation of today's health care professions are described."


VisasServices:"VisasServices and our qualified team of professionals will assist you during your process by providing you the requested support. You can either ask us the important questions you may have requiring support concerning your immigration matters in the United States or you can use our DO IT YOURSELF service. We are able to furnish you with lists of required documentation for obtaining nonimmigrant visas as well as immigrant visas in the United States."
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See also:

Kaplan's FREE NCLEX practice lab:"The NCLEX is a standardized test and by definition, standardized tests have "standard" ways of approaching questions and tested content. So to carry the argument a step further, there are "standard" ways of successfully approaching standardized tests. That's what Kaplan does. In the Practice Lab, you can acquaint yourself with the key concepts and content as tested on the exam—and get a clear understanding of what you're up against. Try some sample questions, access some of Kaplan's exclusive strategies, find out how beat test stress, and more. So go on, test yourself...see how you stack up against the NCLEX."

******************************************************, James Vickers, RN:"Study Online For The NCLEX Now! Over 500 test questions. See answers instantly. No need to turn pages to find answers."
P.O. Box 153 Watertown, NY. 13601-0153 or call us at: (315) 771-0324

See also:

how many nurses have had lost there license because of the board of nursing,"I went with a friend to the board of nursing and i was just shocked that most nurses didnt have an representation but nursing board had a lawyer there. But most nurses didnt know that this lawyer was not there to help them but to throw them under the bus and make them jump through hoops to get there license back . This angers me and i would like to start a union for nurses and make sure this doesnt happen to no more good nurse or doctors and the board of nursing will have to pay with a class action law suit and if alot of nurses and doctors have been wrongfully accussed without representation then we will have a good case and a good shot at making a difference i know that nurses jobs are very hard jobs to follow and very hard to quit after you have been doing this job for months and years after education and work experience, lets make a change for a diffence message me and lets get this started"




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Nursing Degrees, LPN-RN, RN-BSN, RN-MSN, Online/Offline College, University and more!:"Higher income. Career mobility. Now, no matter where you live or what your schedule, you can earn your Associate or Bachelor Degree to take your professional life to the next level — without putting the rest of your life on hold!"

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Gifts For Nurses:"Choose from Top Nursing Uniform Companies. All sizes, styles and popular name brands available. Large selection of accessories as well: Accessories Blood Pressure Cuffs, Sphygnomanometers Nursing Tote Bags, Carry-Ons, Medical Bags Clinical, Medical Supplies, Nurses Discount Outlet: Angels, Books, Clothing , Equipment, Figurines, Holidays, Home Decor, Jewelry, Nurses, Office Decor, Scrubs, Shoes, T-Shirts Footwear, Shoes, Sandals, Discount, Bargains Gifts For Nurses (Nurses Week) Hosiery, Socks, Stockings Hats, Jackets, Jumpers Jewelry, Earrings, Necklaces, Watches Luxury Spas, Facials, Manicures, Pedicures Perfumes, Fragrances, Phermones Shoes, Boots, Sandals, Footwear, High Heels, Slippers Stethescopes, Nurse Kits, Replacement Parts Swimwear (Tan-Through) Women's Lingerie "


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Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on Monday, January 19, 201

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