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Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals...
The Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals is the largest, oldest and most comprehensive association of cardiovascular and pulmonary technology professionals in the country. Our organization provide...

American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, AACVPR...
American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, AACVPR. Submit listing for the 2000-2001 Directory ...

American Heart and Lung Institute...
American Heart and Lung Institute caring for you with every beat and with every breath.... Specializing in the management of diseases of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and esophagus. Director: Gord...

American Heart Association(AHA): Choose To Move 2000...
Choose To Move is a fun, free and flexible physical activity program developed for women. It lasts 12 weeks and is designed to help participants gradually increase their physical activity levels to 3...

Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery...
The The Asian Society for Cardiovascular Surgery...

Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc....
We believe that good health is the cornerstone of progress for our people. We are firm in our resolve to make exemplary health care accessible and affordable to all in need, dedicated to lowering the ...

Australia and New Zealand, The Cardiac Society of ...
Contact the Secretariat On these pages you will find information of interest to both the Cardiac Specialists and the Health Professional. ...

British Cardiac Society | Index...
  Editorial The British Cardiac Society was established in 1922, and is a charitable body. The majority of our membership are UK cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, but also includes other doctors an...

British Heart Foundation: a charitable organisation that aims to play a lea...
The British Heart Foundation is a charitable organisation that aims to play a leading role in the fight against heart disease....

California Society for Cardiac Rehabilitation...
Welcome to the Home Page of the CALIFORNIA SOCIETY FOR CARDIAC REHABILITATION VITAL CONNECTIONS: HEART & LUNGS A Partnership for Life California Society for Pulmonary Rehabilitation California Societ...

California Society for Pulmonary Rehabilitation...
The California Society for Pulmonary Rehabilitation (CSPR) is a nonprofit organization, conceived in 1986 and incorporated in 1990 after several years of networking and planning by pulmonary ...

Canada, Alberta and NWT, Heart and Stroke Foundation of ...
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta is a volunteer driven agency dedicated to the elimination of death and disability from heart disease and stroke by funding heart and stroke research, providi...

Cardiology Online, Cardiology Guide for Congresses and Publications on Hear...
The International Academy of Cardiology and the International Society of Heart Failure are dedicated to the advancement of global research in cardiovascular medicine through the support of scientific ...

DENCATS Forum Home Page - Heart Disease, Heart Surgery, and ...
Heart Homepage is for frustrated websurfers searching for information on heart disease, surgery, heart health and hearts, with regular WEEKLY articles, Best of Net collections and a comprehensive reso...

Geriatric Cardiology, Society of ...
The Society of Geriatric Cardiology would like to announce that the administrative operation of the Society has relocated. The new office is now located at the headquarters of the American College of ...

Indiana Society of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation ISCVPR...
Indiana Society of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation An Affiliate Society of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation  ...

International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology...
26th Annual Conference April 21 - 26, 2001 Indian River Plantation Marriott Hutchinson Island, Florida, USA The International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology Welcome to the online home of ...

International Task Force for Prevention Coronary Heart Disease...
Worldwide, cardiovascular diseases are now the commonest cause of death. The role of the Task Force is to serve as a clearing house for information on all aspects of coronary heart disease prevention....

Iowa Association of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation...
Medical Review Policies for Pulmonary Rehabilitation We have just found out that CAHABA, our Fiscal Intermediary for Medicare, is working on a Local Medical Review Policy for Pulmonary Rehab. Read th...

North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology ( NASPE ) Homepage...
NASPE is an international organization of physicians, scientists and allied professionals dedicated to the study and management of heart rhythm disorders. The Society's goal is to improve the care of...

Northwest Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. NWCVP...
Northwest Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. NWCVPR (an affiliate of the AACVPR) is the innovative leader in cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation, dedicated to respond...

Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals...
The Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals Incorporated is a nonprofit organization that has been established to support the highest quality of patient care given by all cardiac catheterizat...

Three Rivers Society for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation...
A site for consumers and professionals to provide information on cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases and the rehabilitation services available to optimize control of these diseases. This site also ...

Uruguaya de Cardiología, Sociedad...
Garibaldi 2593 Tel. Fax 480 6567 487 2565 Montevideo, Uruguay revista uruguaya de cardiología | gremiales | comisiones   Consensos   Congresos anteriores  Publicaciones   Links   Actividades cientí...

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This page was created on Friday March 30, 2001

Last updated by Andrew Lopez, RN on March 13, 2023

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